Superspy - The Man Who Betrayed The West

The incredible true story of a high-ranking intelligence officer, Robert Hanssen, who betrayed US secrets to foreign powers, and the young FBI agent tasked with capturing him.
When a double agent secretly accuses one of the top names in US intelligence a desperate race begins. How can the traitor be netted….before he betrays still more precious secrets? Can the shocking claims be probed…without alerting a man who himself knows every trick of the spying trade? The agonising choices facing US spymasters in fall 2000 sound like a thriller plotline….but they are fact.
With exclusive first-time access to Eric O’Neill, the FBI agent tasked with discovering the truth, this film at last reveals the untold story of the West’s worst ever spying disaster….involving turncoat FBI boss Robert Hanssen.
His treachery led to torture and death for several agents….advanced the threat of nuclear war…and cost the US billions of dollars. Expert analysts reveal how the betrayal even helped Osama bin Laden target the Twin Towers…..and wage the war of terror which continues to this day.
The colourful array of witnesses who flesh out the story include former head of both the FBI and the CIA, William Webster; Dr David Charney, the FBI psychiatrist who probed Hanssen’s twisted mind; Hanssen’s boss and 20-year acquaintance, David Major; ex-KGB General Oleg Kalugin, who will reveal the full magnitude of Hanssen’s treachery; as well as other experts in the US and Russian intelligence community with first hand knowledge of the case.
1 x 50 mins
Crime, History / Current Affairs, Special
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